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September 22, 2006



Poor, poor Superboy...and, it seems from the New Earth that Superboy is being rejected yet again. This time for the hyphenated Super-Boy!

Mark Engblom

Yeah, what's THAT all about? After hinting that Superman would have some sort of Superboy past restored following the Crisis, DC keeping things pretty much status quo was a bit of a disappointment. Part of me wonders how much the recent lawsuit from the Siegels had to do with both the death of the Kon-El Superboy and the soft-pedaling of Clark's "Super-Boy" past.

Disappointing. But you're right...Superboy is rejected YET AGAIN!


Yeah...I don't know what's going no, but I'm sure the Siegel lawsuit has something to do with it. I was just surprised when Clark used the term in the latest issue of Superman, but hyphenated it...Kind of like the superhero/super-hero/super hero thing...

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