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September 21, 2006


Chris Sims

I actually photoshopped a Mike Marvel Dynaflex ad for my own sinister purposes.


Mark Engblom

LOL! Great stuff, Chris! Those old muscleman ads are just askin' for it, aren't they?


Mike Marvel rises from the dead! Go to www.hikuta.net and see for yourself.


Hey! I bought the Mike Marvel DYNAFLEX course back in 1979. The bad news is, I never got the secrets to attracting women (afterall, what babe would want someone who dropped out of a Revenge Of The Nerds movie). Good news is, after using the course for six months, I was able to kick anyone's ass at armwrestling. Maybe the course DOES have good points to it after all.


That was hilarious, thanks for the laugh. In exchange, I am providing a link to the Dynaflex course: http://www.transformetrics.com/classics/dynaflex


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